
Annual Registration Fee : $25
Paid when you register for classes for the first time and when you re-register in the fall during the . Students registering for the first time in the summer do not need to pay the fall registration fee that first year. (For each additional student in a family household, the fee is reduced to $10.) There is also an additional $10 registration fee for each additional teacher/class/instrument that the student takes beyond their initial class.

There is now the option to register for your class online, just go to the link on the homepage. Please do not register until after you have met with your instructor and are sure you are ready to commit to lessons. There is an additional $3 charge to register online to offset fees that are included with online payment methods. Also be sure to include your instructors name in the comment or note section of your online payment when you pay online.

30 Minute One-on-one Weekly Music Lessons : $110/month
(If two or more family members in a household attend the Academy’s 30 minute weekly lessons, the monthly lesson fee per student drops to $100.)

Multiple Lesson Discount :
The monthly lesson fee paid to each teacher for 30 minute weekly lessons is dropped to $100 when :

– Two or more family members in a household attend weekly lessons
– Two or more 30 minute sessions are reserved each week (i.e. one hour weekly lessons)
– A student takes multiple types of weekly lessons (i.e. voice and guitar)

Art Classes :
Monthly lesson fee for one student is $152/month
(Fees for additional Art students in the same family household are $148/month)
We also offer discounts for individuals and household families doing combinations of art and music lessons.

More :
These rates are pro-rated the first month if less than 4 weeks remain after the trial session, then become a flat rate yielding an average of 4 lessons per month through the year, the months with 5 lessons averaging out the months with a holiday. Students are not signing up for a specified length of time, as lessons are ongoing throughout the year. We only require fees to be paid for a “30 days advance notice” if a student needs to terminate lessons with a teacher. Also, we do try to work with your summer vacations, making up missed lessons for 1 to 3 week vacations during the June through August Summer months; we only ask that you work this out with your teacher in advance.

Holidays : We are closed Labor Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving weekend and the same winter break and spring break schedule as the Alachua County School Calendar.
View our calendar >

Still have questions?
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQ) or visit the Contact Us page to email us. You can also give us a call at 352-372-8004.